I thought IPs had two embryos left. I forgot they only had four to start with. On the day of the transfer all four were thawed. Three were good. We implanted two and the last was to be refrozen. Unfortunately the last embryo did not make it through the refreezing process. It was upsetting news. I don't know where we are going to go from here. There is the option IM can do another egg retrieval. I don't know if she is up for that. She has already said that maybe it was not meant for them to have more children. I feel bad hearing her say that. I realize that she has been through a lot. I wish this could be easier for them.
I am going to give them some time to sort through their options and decide if they want to move forward or not. I did let them know that I am here for them should they decide to try again. I will not push the issue. I am going to wait until after the holidays and see where they are at with their decision. I don't want to think of moving on without them. Should they decide they are done, well, then we will cross that bridge when we get there. I do still have a strong desire to be a surrogate. I feel it in my heart that this is something I was meant to do. I want to see this through and hope that it will be with my current IPs.