Friday, July 17, 2009

7/15 Appt

I had another appointment with the RE on Wednesday. They did an ultrasound to check the uterine lining and some blood work to check my estrogen and progesterone levels. Wednesday was day 5 of the estrogen patches and pills. Originally the script was for Estradiol 3xday. The nurse had me start out on 2xday and the plan was to increase the day of the scan. The purpose of the Estradiol is to thicken and mature the uterine lining. There are many different opinions on how thick the lining should be for FET. For the most part I read that they like it to be at least 7mm thick. When they did the scan on Wednesday the tech said my lining was 9.5mm and transfer ready. I was instructed to stay on my current dose of Estradiol. I go back on Monday for another ultrasound and blood draw.

I am glad to know I am responding well to the meds but I still don’t know what this means regarding the transfer date. I sent a message to the nurse to ask her about it and I have yet to hear back. She did try to call me last night but I missed her call. I hope to hear back from her today. If not I will see her Monday. I would just like to have a date to work around. I will have to have help with the kids and I would really like to be able to give people notice. The IPs would like to be there too so they will have to do some planning as well. We are all getting a little antsy.

Lately I have been feeling really tired. We have had a busy summer so far so I thought my schedule was finally catching up to me. I talked to IM yesterday and asked her if she had any side effects from the medications. She said all she remembers was being really tired. Good to know it’s not just me. I have read what some other women were saying about their side effects. If all I am experiencing is a little sleepiness then I am doing good. :-)

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