Sunday, August 9, 2009


I had some blood work done on Thursday and they said everything looked good, BUT they want me to increase the PIO injections from 1cc a day to 2cc a day. From what I have been reading most clinics want the progesterone level to be at least 20ng/ml. Mine was 15.8ng/ml. I wasn't too happy about doing two shots a day. DH was not too keen on the idea either. He is the one that gives me the injections. He does a good job at it but he does not like doing it. We opted to try doing one 2cc injection. It really is not as bad as I thought it would be. It burns a little more but nothing I can't live with. Hopefully everything will check out when we go back to the RE on the 13th.

4 days until the moment of truth! I am feeling better and better about the results every day. I have had a lot of the same symptoms I've had with some of my previous pregnancies. The cramping and the fatigue started on day three post-transfer. I started having bouts of nausea around day seven post-transfer. Today my appetite has been insane. I woke up starving, ate breakfast and less than 2hrs later was starving again. I have one other symptom but it is not very lady like so I will refrain from typing it. I'm sure some of you know what I am talking about.

I did ask IPs if they wanted me to do a home pregnancy test(HPT). They thought about it for a little bit and decided it would be better to wait until the beta. I can't blame them. I know they are nervous. If the results were negative, regardless of PG or not, then it would probably crush us all. I've read stories where women get a positive beta and take a HPT just to see the lines and it came back negative. I can see how that would be discouraging. I'm trying to be patient. It's not easy!

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