Sunday, March 28, 2010

FET Transfer 3/26

The transfer went very well on Friday. Everything happened so fast that I don’t remember half of it. The Valium may have had something to do with that. Haha!

All four embryos were thawed. Three of the embryos looked really good and the fourth was not so great. We decided to transfer the three good embryos. IM was in the room with me during the procedure. I remember having my blood drawn and getting the Valium in my arm. The actual transfer part is a bit fuzzy. Apparently I was talking the whole time and repeated myself a few times. Too funny! At some point DH was able to join us. They had me lay there for an hour and then we were released to go home. That’s really about all I remember. That and the nurse giving me a hard time about carrying my purse on the way out. Oops! ;-) Apparently I made an appointment for the 9th for my Beta HCG but I don’t remember that either! The ride home was a bit of a blur too. I wound up sleeping for several hours when we got home.

My do’s and don’t for the next couple of weeks:

Home rest for 3 days. That means staying off of my feet in a reclining position.
No vacuuming, cleaning, exercising, or swimming (Oh darn! Lol)
Do not lift heavy objects. That is defined as anything over 5lbs. This may be a bit of a challenge with my 2yr old but we will figure it out.
The rest is the usual do’s and don’ts of pregnancy.

So far the bed rest is going okay. In theory spending three days in bed and giving up all responsibilities sounds good but it’s harder than it looks. Especially for someone who is not used to sitting still at all. I have four kids, I don’t have time to sit still! Lol. DH is doing a great job managing it all. Though I am sure he will be happy to have me back on my feet tomorrow. ;-)

IM and I have talked about doing a home pregnancy test(HPT) before the 2wk appt. I am not a patient person to begin with and when it comes to something this big each day waiting to find out is a day too long. I want to know NOW! ;-) I’m sure IPs feel the same way. I’m not sure when I will test but I probably won’t post anything until we have confirmation from the doctor. In the meantime we will continue to pray for good news. IM gave me a beautiful cross that I have at my bedside to remind me to have faith. With God all things are possible. I do have faith in that. :-)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

FET Schedule

Things are continuing to go well. I started my FET med schedule on the 8th. I went in on the 12th for an ultrasound and some blood work to see how I was responding to the medications. My lining was 9.5mm and my E2 levels were a little over 400. I was told that was a rapid response. Always good to hear I am responding well because then it makes me feel like the odds are in our favor. My only concern with this was that since the transfer was not scheduled until the 26th I wondered if would we be okay to wait that long. We were originally looking at the 19th but the doctor was going to be out of town that day so we moved it to the following Friday. I went back for another ultrasound yesterday and the lining was 14.8mm and E2 was 900. It looks great now. The doctor feels like we are still okay to do the transfer on the 26th. I’ll start my injections and the rest of the medications tomorrow. Nurse Hubby (downgraded from Doctor Hubby after a bad injection with the last transfer. Lol!) is not happy about giving me shots again. Not my favorite part either but we do what we have to for the cause. :-)

We are all very anxious. Not just for the transfer but for the final results. Many prayers will be said over the next few weeks.