Thursday, September 1, 2011

I went in for another beta HCG test yesterday morning. I had my blood draw around 9:30am. I practically paced the floor all day waiting to hear back about the results. IM sent me a text around 1pm asking if I had heard anything. Neither of us were feeling very patient and the day seemed to be dragging. I finally could not take it anymore so I called the clinic around 3:00. The nurse picked up on her extension right away. She said IM had just called her a few moments before to inquire about the results. Looks like we both reached our limit! Lol. We needed my HCG level to be around 60 to consider the possibility of this being a viable pregnancy. The numbers came back at 133! We were super excited to hear that. I knew my numbers went up but I did not realize it would be that much. The whole way to the clinic that morning I was praying for triple digits. Thank you God for answering that prayer! That gave us the peace of mind we needed. Although, we are not completely out of the woods we do feel more confident in the outcome.

The nurse called back this morning to tell me that RE was very pleased with the results yesterday. He wants me to come back on Sunday to have the levels checked again. They also want to check the progesterone levels. I started the progesterone injections last night. I decided to do it myself. Giving myself the injection was not the problem, it was when I pulled the needle out and blood shot out from the injection site that had me concerned. I did not see any blood in the needle but I was worried that I hit a vessel and injected the oil solution into my bloodstream instead of my muscle. I am not one to get faint at the sight of blood but when I saw that last night I immediately felt light headed and sick to my stomach. I had to lay down for a few minutes. For a little while after that I felt a little shaky. I did ask the nurse about it when she called this morning. She said I probably nicked a vessel when I pulled the needle out. I am sore today but no bruising so it must not have been too bad. Tonight DH gets to do it. Lucky him. Hehe!

I am praying we receive more good news on Sunday. If the results look good then we will get to schedule out first ultrasound. I can't wait!

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